Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to start a free blog for money and money only

I know many of you already tired of trying so many things to your blogs and still waiting for the fruit of success. How I start a successful blog with the aim of money? Where can I find nice tips that able to earn some money from blogging?

The question itself sounds good! First of all we need to know a key point – millions of blogs with lot of information exist in the market and thousands of blogs have been forming behind the screen. Why should a visitor read your blog? If you answer this question you can create a successful blog with the aim of money. It is a fact that earning money through blog is not an easy job. But the other side of the coin reflects some of the very successful bloggers.

I know one of my friends who live by blogging. Today he is one of the successful bloggers of the market; it’s been three years since he started his blog. I am regular visitor of his blog and I noticed an important factor in his blog. Regular posting. Today he has thousands of pages in his blog and any search engine cannot neglect that rich content blog. So the first point is regular posting and there is no short cut for that.

Quick return from ad sense is the aim of your blog? You cannot become rich as quick as cheetah from the blogs. But you can definitely earn decent regular income if you stick to the basics. Regular posting is the first and important one which we have already discussed. All you getting from blogs are bonus because you are starting blogs free. or wordpress and start blog today itself. Better late than never. It is always better if you have attractive colorful template. Custom blog design definitely worth in blogging. The second point is the template you selected from your blog.

What I write for blogs? The selection of subject is very important in blogging. I have seen posts that advised to select subject which you have deep knowledge. It is good because you can save a lot of time that could have been lose by searching. But just imagine if you know a lot of things about the different layers of rock and you started a blog on layers of rock. That blog should be a different one, but what about traffic? There should have limit number of people who have interest on rocks.

So you need to put extra effort for the blog traffic. So the point is that if you aim adsense money then there is no meaning for starting a blog on rock. What people like to read? Just use your brain and select an interesting, useful subject with lot of option for you too. The third point is selection of subject for blogs.
Professionalism is some thing many of our blogs missing today. A real professional blog must focus on the key words which are very important in search engine optimization. How search engine found what I write?

Think a little on it and you will understand what search engine optimization is. It is utter nonsense if you deviate from your blogging subject. Bear the key words in mind before started writing. Find out relevant key words (make use of key word tools) and write using key words. Key word is the next point in successful blogging.

Enjoy your writing and interact with readers. Interaction has much importance in blogging. Ask question in blogging and you will get answers. A blog with a lot of comments obviously attract traffic. So post comments on other blogs and gets comments and traffic to your blogs.

Submitting your blogs to the famous blog directories and RSS directories is the easiest way to get traffic to your blogs. But please violate adsense rules by joining this directory. It is very easy to lose your adsense account, not possible to get it back. I have seen many of the blog directories violating the rules of adsense by asking you to do this, do that etc. But there are relevant and decent directories like Technorati which should make use of it. So submission of your blogs to blog directories and RSS directories is the next point in a successful blogging.

You can definitely ask success bloggers about their secret. Tomorrow there will have another group of people – blog consultants; but you need to pay for that. So follow successful bloggers.

Title of blogs should have an appealing to attract people. The titles like “how I earn my first 100 dollar from Google’ obviously attract a lot of people. Select your blog title in an intelligent way and earn traffic from that.

Make use of RSS feed really helps a lot for decent traffic. Through RSS feed people can easily subscribe to your contents without much effort. Traffic is adsense money and adsense money is traffic.
So you too can earn your livelihood from blogging. So start your blog today……

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to write a 500 word article in 20 minutes?

As every one knows time is precious. Usually we cannot have enough time to spend more time for lengthy articles that long more than 500 words. So how should I write 500 word articles in 20 minutes? It is necessary especially if you are writing for money. You need to produce lengthy and quality articles to catch the eyes of search engines. Then what is the remedy for writing lengthy articles in less time?
The easiest way to write 500 word articles in 20 minutes is to select a topic that you are very much familiar about. In quality article you need to do a lot of research works. If you are very much familiar about the subject then you need to do less research and be able to write very fast.
Now start with the topic of your article. Just try to insert a catchy headline so that your article may get prima fascia attention from its headline. It is a brilliant idea to include the main keyword in your title. Anyway you are going to produce 500 word article in 20 minutes.
Now you have to ignore grammar and structure of your article for some time and start writing. Just forget keywords and write everything that comes in your mind. It is a good idea to keep a paper and pen with you so that you can bullet some points in the paper before starting writing. And try to develop these main points and write paragraph by paragraph. You will get more ideas once you started and practice to write as fast as you can so you can finish up your article in 20 minutes and one with 500 word length.
It is not writer’s block that checks your writing speed. Some times there might have been some healthy problem that irritates your writing. It is absolute necessary to have a clear mind and healthy body to write 500 word article in 20 minutes. Make sure that your body and mind is absolutely fresh before starting writing articles.
Split the time in to four parts; say write 150 words in 5 minutes and so on. If you are able to write 250 words in 10 minutes you are a winner. Don’t think it is very easy to write 500 word article in just 20 minutes. It is a kind of art that you need to learn from your practice. Once you master the art you will be able to write 500 word article in 20 minutes without any struggle.
Selection of the subject has something to do to your writing speed. If you are writing about ‘how to play cricket for women’ it is not easy if you hardly any knowledge on cricket. But if you have some real knowledge on cricket then the job is every easy. You can easy write a 500 word article ‘how to play cricket for women’ in just 20 minutes. You can include the rules and regulations of cricket in this article. Get any idea?

Now Indians can earn money free by reading emails

Email scam has been prevailing in the online industry quite for a long period of time. There are many kind of email related scams including that of email reading jobs. But these kind of jobs really exists in the market and those should be feel lucky if they really earning some extra money by reading emails. Anyway Indians are really away from these kind of jobs as there are not so many Indian companies offering email reading jobs. But now things are going to change as one Indian company, RupeeMail, offering such email reading job.
Get paid to open your mail and this is possible through RupeeMail. How wonderful if we able to decide what to receive and what not to receive as email. It is possible in RupeeMail as it scrutinize spam emails and is absolutely genuine as RupeeMail is sent by verified senders. The attractive part is that you will be paid for reading these emails. There no registration fees to join in RupeeMail and is absolutely free to join. Just click - RupeeMail to join and start earning today.
It is really amazing that the minimum pay out is very low and no need to wait till some large amount accumulate in your account. RupeeMail will send the money as cheque in your home address and it is as simple as that. The only thing you need to join RupeeMail is a valid email id and not a single paise as registration fees.
RupeeMail can easily be distringuished from other emails as a suffix of "RupeeMail - Rs." in subject line of RupeeMail sets it apart from all other mails. If you want to donate your money you received from RupeeMail, then you can do it with pleasure. You will receive RupeeMails only in your prefered email categories of products and services . More over You will often save a lot more coupons and other offers in RupeeMail for quality products and services. So don't think twice as it is absolutely free to join RupeeMail

How to earn money by writing only?

Writing is the hardest thing if you write for cash? Many of my friends agree to this statement if they really writing for cash. But my answer to this question is a little different from you. Yes. You too can make real cash by writing. What i do to earn money wiritng only? Where should I write my articles? Where should I post my article for money? If you know the answers of the above questions then you would have been making a lot of money. Blogging is one of the established methods through which one can seriously take writing as career. is a free website from where you can start your own blog. It is better if you stick to a particular topic in tjhe begining of your writing career. Then you will automatically became an expert in that particular subject and become a good writer with your own writing style. After you create a decent blog you can apply for google adsense and start earning slowly. More traffic to the blog means more money. If you can write decent articles with SEO you can automatically create good traffic as well. Keywords are the real key behind the traffic and money.

Product reveiws bring you cash

In the world of market lakhs and lakhs of products are running and thousands still to implement. Product review is an excellent opportunity though which you can earn money. Your review should meet the point so that readers could understand each of the merits and demerits of the product.

Write for local newspapers and magazines

Your local newspaper may need you and seek your opportunity as a writer. It is an excellent opportunity for students and don't expect a high income in the beginining. Yet you can built your career through local newspaer as a writer and earn real cash.